Thursday, April 24, 2008

NEW TIME: Junior Ranger Trip on Saturday

April 24, 2008

Dear Parents,

The update for the field trip is as follows: I will need the 2 release forms that can be found attached. If I do not have one for your child they will not let them participate in the events. Everyone is required to have them-even the adults that will be attending. They are photo release forms because the news stations will be there. If you cannot pull them up I will have extras at the desk. .

If you need to do the paperwork please come early so it can be taken care of before leave time. The park service has given us a specific time to do the activities.

Our busses will be leaving at 11:00 so please be at Angelus no later than 10:30. Return time will be between 3:00 and 3:30. Please be prompt. I had earlier sent info saying the scheduled time would probably be 9am. Because many of you have planned your day around this time I do not want to complicate your schedules. Mr. Ammirati, Miss Laschan, and myself will still be at Angelus by 9am so you may still drop your child(ren) off at 9:00, if you need to do so. We will just "play" until the busses arrive.

The children should have a brown bag lunch and a water bottle. Please have them carry their lunch and water bottle in a light weight back pack that is empty of other unnecessary items. (Please put a notecard with your child's name and your contact info inside the bag in the event your child misplaces their backpack). There will also be drinks provided at the event.

The children should also have on comfortable walking shoes for the ranger activities. Please remember to have your child in an Angelus Academy shirt of some sort. The brightly colored jog-a-thon shirts would be great or their PE shirt. This will help our group be recognizable and stay together.

Even though this is a Saturday trip, I will be carrying the emergency contact forms with me. If your cell number or info has changed please give me an updated contact number. If your child needs an epipen, an inhaler, or any other type of medication that the school nurses office does not have, please have them bring it in their backpack and let Mr. Ammirati or myself know that they have it with them. In the event you need to reach us during the trip please contact my cell phone. (703-819-5418).

Email Jodi at:

Please feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding this trip.
Jodi Shlesinger

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