Friday, August 28, 2009

Dear Angelus Academy Parents,

We all know that faith, family, and friends sustain us in our journey through life. So too, do we know that the faith, family, and friends of our children sustain them, nurture them, encourage them, and form their character over the years of their young lives. In our efforts to develop virtuous behavior, we have chosen to surround them with like-minded families at Angelus Academy.

To celebrate and support the education of our children, we will hold the 9th annual auction this fall. The 2009 Angelus Academy dinner auction, with its Elegant Fiesta theme, will be held at the Fairfax County Country Club. The Auction Committee is working to ensure that the November 7 event is well-attended with those who also believe in the importance of character formation and training in virtue among our students at Angelus. Please let us know of any and all friends and family who might like to attend the Auction.

We will also need help updating our guest list database. Do you enjoy such behind-the-scenes tasks? Let us know if you can lend a hand.

Finally, and most importantly, no effort this large will be possible without prayer. Please pray for the intercession of St. Raphael for a successful (and fun) annual auction this fall!!! Fiesta!!!

Prayer to St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings
Saint Raphael, Angel of happy meetings, lead me safely on my pilgrimage through life. Help me find friends who are wise, loving and good to accompany me on this great journey; and may all who suffer in body or soul find healing and peace through your intercession.


Please contact Sandra Rodgers at or 703-313-0878 with ideas and support.

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